Howard Godfrey KC [QC] Reviews
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ContactHoward Godfrey QC is a star of the London Bar. He has the skill and experience one demands of a top silk, but has retained the work ethic of a junior barrister.
Mary Monson Solicitors
Howard Godfrey QC brings his brand of charming persuasive advocacy to cases.
Legal Experts UK
Howard Godfrey QC’s trial preparation and presentation is superb.
Legal 500
The way Howard represented the main defendant was a masterclass.
His mastery of law is unparalleled and his experience is unrivalled.
Client Testimonials
Your thorough preparation, clear strategy and erudite presentation left the court in no doubt that there was no case to answer.
Client Testimonials
From the first moment I met Howard I knew that we were in safe hands.
Client Testimonial
You helped us get through this traumatic time with optimism, determination and dignity.
Client Testimonial
No-one could have worked harder or conducted his case so incisively with such charm, flair and wit.
Client Testimonial
Howard’s tactical nous, combined with oodles of charm and oratory brilliance, are an exceptional combination. One feels in very safe hands indeed and I could not recommend his services more. Forever grateful.
Client Testimonial
There is no one who knows the legal system and the law better than Howard Godfrey.
Client Testimonial
Furthermore he understands the personal side of cases, that they are affecting people and families and friends and goes out of his way to help in that way too.
He is genuine, he is articulate and he cares deeply.
Howard is one of the finest advocates within the profession. Approachable and unflappable. Instruct and you shall not be disappointed.
Graham Rishton
Howard deals with his clients with professionalism, but also takes deep personal interest at all stages and adds that personal touch, whilst also being the very best at what he does.
Samuel Fathers
Mr. Godfrey QC, represented me in a matter of great significance to myself and my family. While the outcome was favourable to me in the best possible way, every case is different in complexity and circumstance.
Client Testimonial
What is not different, however, are the ingredients required to achieve success. Namely, 1) wisdom to understand and present the case clearly, 2) judgement on how to balance tactics and overall strategy, and 3) tenacity in preparation. I would be hard pressed to find a finer example who embodies these traits better than Mr. Godfrey QC (I have considerable experience in business/professional worlds).
His mastery of law is unparalleled (in my case even the judge deferred to his final word), and, his experience is unrivaled. Mr. Godfrey QC is a commanding presence in the courtroom, and is a formidable and potent opponent.
In my particular matter, the outcome was so inspired that I was reminded of this quote by Sun Tzu from the Art of War, "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
His most remarkable quality, however, is that he is a tower of strength. During a prolonged and trying process stretching over a year, Mr. Godfrey QC provided counsel and reassurance in the darkest moments. He will be a unwavering advocate for you and, more importantly, will be someone you can rely upon completely. He is very approachable and takes the time to walk you through the minutiae and nuances of the matter.
In short, you will be doing yourself a great disservice if Mr. Godfrey QC is not representing you in matters of great significance.

Please contact me for an initial conversation.