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One of the UK’s Best Disciplinary Tribunal Barristers

No-one could have worked harder or conducted his case so incisively with such charm, flair and wit.

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No-one could have worked harder or conducted his case so incisively with such charm, flair and wit.

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One of the UK’s Best Disciplinary Tribunal Barristers

If you are seeking one of the UK’s best disciplinary tribunal barristers, Howard’s skill and reputation as an advocate par excellence makes him the obvious first choice. His depth of experience, honed and seasoned from over 40 years fighting for clients (and over 20 as a KC [QC]), makes him the ideal advocate to have in your corner.

This is specialist advocacy and differs from jury advocacy. The judges are professionals in their field and the preparation of the case and the advocacy that follows must be properly targeted. Precise identification of the issues and relevant submissions are what’s needed to get the best results.

1. Military Courts Martial

Over the years Howard has appeared in many courts martial cases with some outstanding results. These courts apply military criminal law to serving officers and other service personnel, and have very wide powers of sentence. Appeals are conducted in the Courts Martial Appeal Court, which is the Court of Appeal Criminal Division by another name.

2. The Tax Chamber

Various tax chambers (as they are now called) deal with all appeals against decisions of HMRC in relation to matters of direct and indirect taxation. Howard is sometimes instructed in these tribunals, usually, but not always, together with specialist tax counsel, where a criminal process is a foreseeable result of an adverse decision.

3. Disciplinary Tribunals

As a very experienced trial advocate, Howard is instructed to represent clients who are the subject of professional and sporting bodies’ disciplinary hearings. There are now an enormous number of these regulatory bodies who have very wide powers including the power to strike off, suspend or fine a professional or sports athlete.

Allegations of misconduct are often disputed and vigorous cross examination may be called for. Sometimes difficult pleas in mitigation of sentences have to be crafted and delivered to the tribunal.

There is a fundamental principle that proceedings of this sort should be ‘fair’, rather like any other type of ‘fair’ trial. Complaints of unfairness after an adverse decision will usually lie by way of judicial review to the High Court, who have wide powers to control inferior tribunals.

Examples of Tribunals Dealing with Professional Cases

  • Police disciplinary tribunals
  • Civil Aviation Authority
  • Financial Services Authority
  • London Stock Exchange
  • Professional accountancy bodies such as the ICAEW
  • Law bodies such as the General Council of the Bar and the Solicitors Regulatory Authority
  • Medical, veterinary, dental and pharmaceutical bodies such as the General Medical Council, General Dental Council, General Optical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

Examples of Tribunals Dealing with Sports Cases

  • The British Horseracing Authority
  • The British Board of Boxing Control
  • The Rugby Football Union Disciplinary Committee
  • The Football Association Disciplinary Committee
  • The ECB’s Cricket Disciplinary Commission
Lady Justice Statue - Best Experienced Professional Disciplinary Tribunals Barrister - Howard Godfrey KC - Top-Rated Lawyer - Silk – Advocate
If you, or a family member, would like representation by one of the UK’s best specialist criminal disciplinary tribunal barrister KCs [QCs], I am a national leading expert with a proven track record of winning both court and appeal hearings.

Please contact me for an initial conversation.